Main Engine & Generator Spares Turbocharger Governors Purifiers Hydraulic Pumps Material Handling
spacer We also stack and supply Governors and controls from various companies. These are the all speed control Governors for the Diesel Engines, Steam Terbines & Gas Terbines for main engines and auxillary engines whos speed are set manually, air special, electrical motor, lever etc.  
 Woodward Governors  Regulateurs Europa  Diesel Kiki Governors
 UG8D  1101  RHD6
 PGA  1102  RHD6MC
 UG8L  1103  RR 180
 UG40D  1104  RHD6MCL
   1104A  RHD6PC
 Note: Always offer the Part number or type of governor and the Serial number which is found on the manufacturers name  plate on  the equipment

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